(Oslo, 30 January 2023) Dolphin Drilling AS (Dolphin Drilling, OSE: DDRIL) today announces that the Blackford Dolphin has successfully completed a five-year recertification and is soon ready to commence its 12-month drilling contract with General Hydrocarbons Limited.
The Blackford Dolphin has completed its recertification for a new five-year period in Las Palmas, Spain. The maintenance and class work were conducted in close dialogue with flag state, class, yard, key equipment vendors, and sub-contractors.
The rig will now be towed to Nigeria and plan to commence its 12-month drilling contract with General Hydrocarbons Limited in early March 2023.
For further information, please contact:
Ingolf Gillesdal, Corporate Finance and Investor Relations, tel: +47 920 45 320