(Oslo, 16 November 2022) Johan Finnestad, the COO of Dolphin Drilling AS
(Dolphin Drilling, OSE: DDRIL), has today sold 110,000 shares in the company at
an average price of NOK 14.75 per share. Per Vangsgaard, the CTO of the company
has today sold 60,000 shares at an average price of NOK 14.64 per share. The
positions were sold to cover tax liabilities. Following the transactions, Johan
Finnestad and Per Vangsgaard hold 116,600 and 64,800 shares in Dolphin Drilling,

This information is subject to disclosure requirements set out in the Market
Abuse Regulation EU 596/2014 Article 19 and the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
Section 5-12.


Dolphin Drilling | www.dolphindrilling.com
Dolphin Drilling is a leading harsh environment drilling contractor for the
offshore oil and gas industry. Dolphin Drilling owns a fleet of three high
-technical standard 4[th] and 5[th] generation enhanced Aker H3 units, Borgland
Dolphin, Blackford Dolphin, and Bideford Dolphin, operated by an experienced
team with a strong operational track record. The company has approximately 260
offshore and onshore employees, and onshore locations in Norway, Scotland,
Brazil, Nigeria, and Mexico.

Dolphin Drilling is listed on Euronext Growth Oslo under the ticker "DDRIL".

The company has no interest-bearing debt and targets to maximize shareholder
returns including the use of frequent cash dividends.